New Way Forward: Bringing an Equity Lens to the Work of Reducing the Influence of Money in Our Democracy, A

The reality of the money in politics and fair courts field is that it has historically fallen short of adequately and meaningfully engaging the very communities most impacted by the issues we address: most notably, communities of color, women, and young people. We believe that if we grow the makeup of the field and its leadership, we have incredible potential to build a strong national movement, poised to demand real change.

Based on candid interviews with funding partners and thought leaders, this report touches upon key issues to help us analyze our grantmaking strategies. How does our definition of "winning" fit in a broader democracy reform agenda? How do we authentically connect with communities of color to develop a new framework of equity, diversity, and inclusion? How do we build effective collaborative relationships towards victory, without losing sight of long-term capacity and infrastructure needs?

The report also includes resources and links to readings to help funders think further on these issues.


Piper Fund